© 2024
Millerstown Recreational Committee Community Room, Park Building Wednesday, February 5, 2025 A. Call to Order: President, Dave Bratton called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. B. Present: Dave Bratton, Kelley Griswold, Mark Stoup, Teresa Hunker, Jack Cameron, Katy Black, Willard Benner, Billi Walton (Baseball/Softball) and Ross Miller (Soccer). C. Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the January 8, 2025 were approved as submitted. D. Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report from January 1st thru February 2025 was accepted as presented. Perry Valley Grange contributed their annual $3,000.00 to our treasury for their use of the building. E. Committee Reports: a. Pool: No report. b. Baseball/Softball (GYSA): b.a.1. Questions on the sports contract: There is no need to have septic system put in as stated in the contract since port-a-pots are used. The septic requirement will be removed from the annual contract. b.a.2. Although It was approved for GYSA to consolidate their 3 buildings into one where their current snack shed is during the November meeting; Billi asked if it would be possible to change that to working with the football association to incorporate one larger building with the current football snack shed in the middle, and football and baseball having storage sheds attached to either end. Both groups would share the concession and same DEP approved water system during their respective seasons. The two sports groups will have to work together to develop a new combined plan. c. Football (GNMFA): No report. No word on their annual contract. d. Soccer: It was agreed to extend their use of the soccer fields by two weeks later in October. F. Fund Raisers: a. March 15 – Soup & Sandwich sale. Set up will start at 6am. Windows open for sales at 10:00. a.a.1. Chicken-meat picking on Feb. 19 at 2:00. G. Building and Grounds report: a. The tractor leak repairs are not done yet. b. Telephone poles will be placed horizontally across the parking area where the pool’s blacktop ends. They will be marked with orange paint. The purpose is to stop cars from speeding through the parking area. c. Lighted Trail: Putting up lights and decorations starts in October. Check with Willard or Mark to help. d. General Repairs List: d.a.1. Repairs to stage roof and fascia – lift-truck rental cost are $150/day. d.a.2. The ceiling of the storage room (back entrance) is on hold for now. d.a.3. Park safe-drinking-water system located in the building basement is now functioning, due to repairs neede to the automatic shut-off meter failing. d.a.4. Christmas lights are still up, but all the inflatables are in storage. d.a.5. New dog policy signs stating: ”Dogs on must be on a leash at all times.” have not been posted yet. d.a.6. Community Room floor still needs repaired. d.a.7. Port-a-Pots - Parsons our supplier, has gone out of business! Their equipment should be removed by the end of March. It was moved (Teresa/Kelley) and approved to switch to Advanced Septic Services at the beginning of April. Willard will contact the services. d.a.8. Recycling bin: we will continue to keep the CCD bin as their green recycling bags are still being used and accepted. H. Other Old Business: Since this has been posed on the event sign since January: Volunteer reservations coordinator needed, Teresa has been contacted by 3 people. She will ask them to come to the next meeting, so we can meet them. I. New Business: No new business. J. Up Coming Events: a. March 15 – Soup and sandwich sale (prep starting at 6am. Windows open at 10.) b. Unknown date around the 4th of July – HSO Concert c. July 12 – Car Show (rain date - July 19) d. September 17 - Pool Fall Fest e. October 5 Fire Dept. practice f. October 18 (tentative) – Parktober Fest g. December 6 – Christmas in the Park, Fire Dept. K. Adjournment: 7:57 p.m. L. Next Meeting: March 5 @ 7:00pm. Respectfully submitted, Kelley Griswold
© 2024
Millerstown Recreational Committee Community Room, Park Building Wednesday, February 5, 2025 A. Call to Order: President, Dave Bratton called the meeting to order at 7:02pm. B. Present: Dave Bratton, Kelley Griswold, Mark Stoup, Teresa Hunker, Jack Cameron, Katy Black, Willard Benner, Billi Walton (Baseball/Softball) and Ross Miller (Soccer). C. Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the January 8, 2025 were approved as submitted. D. Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report from January 1st thru February 2025 was accepted as presented. Perry Valley Grange contributed their annual $3,000.00 to our treasury for their use of the building. E. Committee Reports: a. Pool: No report. b. Baseball/Softball (GYSA): b.a.1. Questions on the sports contract: There is no need to have septic system put in as stated in the contract since port-a-pots are used. The septic requirement will be removed from the annual contract. b.a.2. Although It was approved for GYSA to consolidate their 3 buildings into one where their current snack shed is during the November meeting; Billi asked if it would be possible to change that to working with the football association to incorporate one larger building with the current football snack shed in the middle, and football and baseball having storage sheds attached to either end. Both groups would share the concession and same DEP approved water system during their respective seasons. The two sports groups will have to work together to develop a new combined plan. c. Football (GNMFA): No report. No word on their annual contract. d. Soccer: It was agreed to extend their use of the soccer fields by two weeks later in October. F. Fund Raisers: a. March 15 – Soup & Sandwich sale. Set up will start at 6am. Windows open for sales at 10:00. a.a.1. Chicken-meat picking on Feb. 19 at 2:00. G. Building and Grounds report: a. The tractor leak repairs are not done yet. b. Telephone poles will be placed horizontally across the parking area where the pool’s blacktop ends. They will be marked with orange paint. The purpose is to stop cars from speeding through the parking area. c. Lighted Trail: Putting up lights and decorations starts in October. Check with Willard or Mark to help. d. General Repairs List: d.a.1. Repairs to stage roof and fascia – lift-truck rental cost are $150/day. d.a.2. The ceiling of the storage room (back entrance) is on hold for now. d.a.3. Park safe-drinking-water system located in the building basement is now functioning, due to repairs neede to the automatic shut-off meter failing. d.a.4. Christmas lights are still up, but all the inflatables are in storage. d.a.5. New dog policy signs stating: ”Dogs on must be on a leash at all times.” have not been posted yet. d.a.6. Community Room floor still needs repaired. d.a.7. Port-a-Pots - Parsons our supplier, has gone out of business! Their equipment should be removed by the end of March. It was moved (Teresa/Kelley) and approved to switch to Advanced Septic Services at the beginning of April. Willard will contact the services. d.a.8. Recycling bin: we will continue to keep the CCD bin as their green recycling bags are still being used and accepted. H. Other Old Business: Since this has been posed on the event sign since January: Volunteer reservations coordinator needed, Teresa has been contacted by 3 people. She will ask them to come to the next meeting, so we can meet them. I. New Business: No new business. J. Up Coming Events: a. March 15 – Soup and sandwich sale (prep starting at 6am. Windows open at 10.) b. Unknown date around the 4th of July – HSO Concert c. July 12 – Car Show (rain date - July 19) d. September 17 - Pool Fall Fest e. October 5 Fire Dept. practice f. October 18 (tentative) – Parktober Fest g. December 6 – Christmas in the Park, Fire Dept. K. Adjournment: 7:57 p.m. L. Next Meeting: March 5 @ 7:00pm. Respectfully submitted, Kelley Griswold